Thursday, February 23, 2012

snow, sort of

DSC_6965  annabelle shows no mercy

It snowed in Paris.  It wasn’t much but it was worth mentioning.  Snow makes me happy.  Snow makes Annabelle even happier.  Naud is somewhat ambivalent but combined we were pretty elated about the whole thing.

The entire accumulation was about one centimeter and lasted for all of two hours.  We made the most of it and that’s what matters.  We walked to Saint-Sulpice square and discovered the fountain had frozen solid, creating an impromptu ice rink of sorts.  Children were merrily gliding across its surface and Annabelle gladly joined in the fun.

DSC_6973 walking on water

Naud and I even clambered up for a moment, just to experience the sheer audacity of climbing atop a Parisian fountain.  I mentioned our excursion to my French friend and she seemed genuinely horrified.  Oh well.

DSC_6985 snow + annabelle = puppy love

Adjacent to the fountain is Saint-Sulpice Cathedral.  We had never seen the interior and were in dire need of thawing a bit, so made our way inside.  It was beautiful, austere, and not particularly warm.

DSC_6996 inside saint-sulpice

Annabelle lit a candle for a sick friend and said a little prayer.

DSC_6990 lighting a candle for a friend

We exited the cathedral and followed the rumbling of our bellies to the nearest bistro when suddenly it dawned on us that we had somehow made it this far without an authentic bistro lunch.  It was about time.  We ordered hearty winter fare and drank red wine in the middle of the day.  Scandalous!  The place oozed charm but the food was just so-so.  It’s harder than you think to find a good meal in Paris.  Fortunately, good company saved the day.

DSC_7016  that’s what french people do.  they stare just like that guy on the left.

That evening, I went for a run in what was left of the snow and it was dreamy. 

IMG_0240 snow on the path at jardin des tuileries

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