Thursday, February 23, 2012

crossing the invisible line

I did something I’ve never done on a recent run and made a right turn where I always make a left.  It’s not that I don’t like to switch it up.  In fact, I probably run more routes in Paris than I ever did in Seattle.  It’s my favorite way to tour the city  This was different, though.  Generally, I run in areas I’ve already encountered in some capacity but this time I went off the grid. 

My right turn landed me smack dab in the shopping district of the first arrondissement.  It was cold and clear and not terribly busy and I was feeling brave.  The first thing of interest I encountered was an absolutely stunning church I’d never seen or heard of, Eglise de la Trinité.  Its beauty was both majestic and compact in comparison to giant cathedrals like Notre Dame and Sainte Sulpice. 

eglise de la trinité

Buoyed by the church sighting, I continued on my way and found myself planted squarely in front of another gem, Academie Nationale de Musique.  Perhaps because they are generally open to the public, most colossal buildings in Paris are more impressive than imposing.  The intricate artistry and details do much to soften their immense stature.

IMG_0233 one quarter of the academie nationale de musique

After that, I got lost.  I don’t actually believe I’m ever lost, so I wasn’t really.  But it was cold and I had no idea where I was.  I tried to use the map on my phone but I am hopelessly map illiterate and kept heading in the wrong direction.  Eventually, I figured it out and made my way home.  In the process, I encountered the most unusual metro entrance yet.  It looked remarkably like a beaded hairdo.  In fact, it reminded me of the cover of a Zap Mama CD Naud played for me when we first met. 

IMG_0236  portal to another universe or just another metro tunnel

maybe this was the inspiration…

When I spotted the Louvre just beyond the funky metro entrance, I knew I was in the home stretch.  It was empowering to forge a new path, get lost and found and end up back at my own front door, all in the span of an hour and 15 minutes.

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